The Silverwood Land Partnership (SLP) owns the land on which, for thirty odd years, the Whitby forest grew.

SLP received consent to its 6 Lot subdivision resource consent in June 2010 and is in progress to develop / sell these lots.

Lots1and 2 are subject to our JV with Verplank; the management is contracted to Carrus Corporation Ltd from Tauranga.

Lots 3, 4 and 6 are subject to NZTA completing boundaries and restoring access so SLP can develop / sell.

Lot 5 was part of the NZTA Land Take in 2010.

Up date 28 August 2014

Lot 1 = JV plans can now be actioned with PCC having placed its TGM / Waitangirua feeder road designated. lot 1 North of the desgnation boundary has been sold. SLP access remains via a RoW.

Lot 2 = JV Silverwood Residential: 194 sections build, 120 sections sold, a further 7 on hold.

Lot 3 = SLP: awaiting title and access following NZTA Land Take June 2010.

Lot 4 = SLP: awaiting title and access following NZTA Land Take June 2010. PCC has placed a designation over this lot for the TGM feeder rroad to Waitangirua. Before and After plans for Lots 4, 6 and part of Lot 1 have been forwarded to PCC.

Lot 6 = SLP awaiting JV changes re Lot 1 now the TGM / Canon Creek feeder road has been designated so plans can be finalised.